Professor Jane Lubchenco, Oregon State University, awarded honorary degree in recognition of her expertise in the field of marine ecology and environmental science. Georgia Tech- Atlanta, Georgia
Tethys Award & Lecture The Tethys award is designed to raise awareness of a growing movement focused on ocean solutions and optimism (#OceanOptimism). Recipients of this award are selected from a diverse set of individuals that have contributed to, promoted to, enabled or raised awareness in the ocean solutions space – broadly defined. These individuals are meant to represent role models that inspire the new generations of ocean experts and leaders. Examples include scientists, engineers, policy makers from all sectors, private and public figures, leaders and young innovators. The award does not have an associated monetary prize, but it comes with an invitation to deliver the Tethys Lecture at the Ocean Visions summits. The first recipient of the Ocean Tethys Award 2019 is Dr. Jane Lubchenco. She is going to deliver the Tethys Lecture at the OceanVisions2019 opening ceremony on April 1, 2019Dr. Lubchenco is a world renowned environmental scientist who has deep experience in the worlds of science, academia, and government. She is a champion of science and of the stronger engagement of scientists with society. She was the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from 2009-2013. Nominated by President Obama in December 2008 as part of his “Science Dream Team,” she is a marine ecologist and environmental scientist by training, with expertise in oceans, climate change, and interactions between the environment and human well-being. To introduce her to his Senate colleagues for her confirmation hearing, Senator Ron Wyden called Lubchenco ‘the bionic woman of good science.’ |
March 2021
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